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About The Balunguy:
The Balunguy
came about in 2001 by accident. As a
little boy growing up I never aspired to or even
dreamed of becoming a balloon artist, it was a
"twist" of fate. Even growing up I never
saw a balloon artist in person and only saw very
few on the television. In 2001 my wife and
I were expecting a child in July, well God had
other plans and we had a beautiful little girl
delivered in April. Yes she was a preemie,
a micro preemie is what she was technically
considered because she weighed only 1lb 13oz
when she was born. She was born at 26
weeks gestation which is about 3 months early
and she stayed in the hospital for 75 days which was
a short stay for how early she was. We
were there for approximately a month and another
family came into the NICU, they were transferred
from another hospital, and we became friends
with them. The dad is a chiropractor by
trade and one night on the way home my wife
asked me if I knew what he did on the side.
Of course I said "no, I don't" and she said "he
does balloons". I needed some
clarification so I asked "you mean like dogs and
swords and stuff". She confirmed my
assumption and I thought it was silly sounding.
My wife told me not to laugh because it sounded
like fun. Well I just had to talk to him
to see if my wife was pulling my leg. Like
most people, I thought balloon artists only made
simple things like dogs or swords and talking
with him I found out that's not true. He
started telling me some of the stuff he was
making and I was instantly intrigued. I
asked him if he would teach me how to twist
balloons and he agreed.
So, a few nights later we sat in the lobby of
the hospital and in about 2 hours time he taught
me the basics. I bought a few books and
practiced practiced practiced until I decided it
was time to go public. I first started twisting
balloons at Chi Chi's for about 1.5 years until
they closed up and now I currently twist
balloons all over the place. If you ever see me
out and about whether I'm performing or not
please don't hesitate to stop and talk to me.
I'd love to talk to you! |