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Meet the artists that can make great memories at your next event.
Tony, who is The Balunguy, has been honing
his craft for about 12 years now and is
constantly learning and improving his figures.
If you would like to learn how The Balunguy got
his start in the world of latex then be sure to
read the "About" page, you won't regret it.
He loves interacting with the crowd and just
carrying a conversation with whoever is around
him. He's very comfortable with crowds of
all ages and sizes. |
Wendy has been professionally twisting
balloons for approximately a year now, although,
she has been twisting much longer then that...it
was coaxing from Tony, The Balunguy, that has
brought her out into the public's eye. She
has a passion for learning and developing new
figures which means her line up is ever
increasing. She enjoys doing events of all
sizes and ages and brings that motherly touch to
everything she does! |
Jennifer has been facepainting
since 2011. With a degree in
art, and a day-job working in a
school, what better way to mix
art + kids? You can find her
painting in York, Lancaster, and
Harrisburg at birthday parties,
baseball games, street fairs and
more! Check out her website
www.jenmopaints.com or on
facebook for news, updates, and
Rebekah is a face and body artist in Lancaster County. In 2009, after years of practicing makeup art as a hobby, Rebekah was introduced to face painting. Excited to find something that merged her love of painting with her love of makeup art, she has pursued it full-force ever since. Whether it's transforming a little boy into spiderman or giving a grown woman an eye-catching makeup design for a fun night out, it truly is Rebekah's passion. She loves to bring color, joy, and anything extraordinary into the world, and face and body art are her outlets! www.faceandbodyartbyrebekah.com